Wednesday, June 11, 2014


The official statistics have been compiled by the Presbyterian Church (USA). By their calculations, they have lost 89,296, which represents a drop of just under 5% (or about 244 people a day). I reciprocate the observation of Carmen LaBerge of the Presbyterian Lay Committee that these numbers do not reflect the totality of the exodus. There are several presbyteries who continue to include congregations that have disaffiliated from the mainline. This is separate and apart from the tally of those who were led by God to simply "vote with their feet".

Meanwhile, Gradye Parsons, the PCUSA Stated Clerk, takes the position the because the losses were not as severe this year as they were in 2012, some kind of  corner has been turned. His exact words were :

 “We are meeting the challenges we have had and it’s showing......And, our decline in total congregations is holding fairly steady".

 Assuming for the sake of argument that these numbers are accurate, they would – at very best – reflect the majority of those of traditional thinking have already left.  Again, I don't think this to be the case;  as I am confident the true losses sustained our again well over 100,000 people.

 No matter how long ago you  may left the Presbyterian Church (USA), it's still disheartening to see what has happened to  what was such a mighty bulwark.  As empowered and as emboldened in my faith as I have come to feel, by the grace of God - through the mortal vessel of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, I'm still saddened and disgusted by the sight of the Biblical and catechetical declension that has become the culture of the mainline.  

I think of my own former church , Westminster Presbyterian of Boardman, Ohio.  Over a period of years, the latent Unitarianism of the "leaders " of my former congregation became all the more glaring- not to mention frightful!  Their statistics do not reflect the fruition that many of these so-called rudders naïvely thought would prove their portion .

 I was one of the 40 that were drawn out  in 2012. God mercifully offered respite from the ideological swill and liberal sophistry to 26 more last year . Conversely, 18 and six people joined in those years, respectively.

Does it take the tactical genius of Generals Daniel Harvey Hill, Stonewall Jackson or Captain John Dickey  to deduce that this trend renders my former congregation unsustainable?  The younger people continue to fall away, the infirm are rendered unable to travel and those of advanced age eventually answer the call to fellowship within the Kirk Triumphant. For years I pledged to fight for reform ,via  a return to traditional theological strictures and was met with utter indifference.  When I knew anything , people I  didn't even interact with were walking up  making little sarcastic remarks and/or deliberately taking what I said out of context. I would return to the original party with whom I had the discussion to remind them  that theology is subordinate to the Bible , not  social contextualization.  My intelligence was insulted at that juncture , with "choreography "  ranging from, but not limited to:

  •  Sarcasm:
           "Eric, not everybody is going to agree with you."  
  •  Politicized:
           "Eric, people have different perspectives and that strict theology offends some people here."
  • Indifference:
            "Eric, there are people who neither have time to read the Bible nor are inclined to rely on it solely in faith matters ."
  • Rationalistic
         " Eric, my friends never heard of the T.U.L.I.P. Are you sure this isn't just something you   picked up off the Internet ?"

  Indignation and choreography are poor substitutes for a dedication to the Gospel. Or isn't that clear with you yet, David? 

Since liberals demonstrate such an affinity for societal trends and statistics , one would think those that affect the congregations that they've hijacked would ring bells right and left.

 "Legitimate" reasons to remain in the Presbyterian Church USA

1.  Family ties in a church that go back generations

 I've heard this from a number of people. Granted, separation from any entity with whom you have long-standing ties is invariably painful.  Yet,when pondering the question of whether or not your ancestors would have been inclined to tolerate the obscene  revisionism pandemic  in the Presbyterian Church USA, the decision becomes more clear, does it not ?  Trust and believe a blatantly liberal minister ,in the heyday of our grandparents or great-grandparents, would've been quickly expurgated-not to mention excommunicated.  If you doubt the resolve and implacable dedication of your grandparents' generation and those that preceded it , odds are you don't know them as well as you think you do.  Therefore, any indifference rooted in this reason doesn't cut it.  

2. But I have several friends that go to this church.

 No man can serve two masters…  the Word of God makes that clear.  If you are in fact of the mindset of the ecclesiastical charlatans I encountered in the mainline, then- by all means - stay. You obviously place Scripture and catechesis subordinate to the considerations involving your clique.  Would anyone of them accept the charge to lay down their lives for  your sins as the Savior did ?  If you are of this theme of thinking, you should definitely stay in the Presbyterian Church USA ; as the various members of your social circle are your true gods.

3.  The edicts of Louisville do not reflect my thinking.

 How inclined would a cattle rancher be to tolerate a mountain lion roaming his land with impunity?  Would it not be the absolute height of naïveté for him to tolerate the presence of a cougar , while wondering why and how members of his herd continue to disappear ? He wouldn't last long in the cattle business , I guarantee it.  By remaining under an umbrella of institutionalized apostasy, you tacitly condone it.  What did Christ say about the lukewarm?   Will He not spew them out of his mouth?

4.  That's not the course Calvin, Luther or Knox would take.

 Wow!  Evidently you don't know their stories.  Martin Luther took on the entire Catholic Church. Calvin's position to rail against heresy was well noted and John Knox was referred to as the "Thundering Scot".  There was a time when heresy was punishable by death and these mortal vessels I just mentioned  were not noted for any semblance of declension from Biblical standards.

5.  There is hope for reform. God will deliver us from the scourge.

 This rationalization is the strategic or tactical equivalent of opting not to  take a shower because the belief  itself in Providence is sufficient to guard against dirt and odor. God has indeed offered us a way out and a respite through which the integrity of His Gospel, through Christ , is singularly and legitimately proclaimed:

   If any of the aforementioned reasons are those  you stick by, you're not a part of any solution, you are part and parcel of what brought this once great denomination to its knees and accelerated its degeneration to what John Calvin ( and countless others) called "A synagogue of Satan ". . On the other hand, to those who have been legitimately blessed with the gift of faith in Christ and have grown weary in the recognition that you're fighting a losing battle, know that there is a place for you.  In God's time, you will be led to the same type of respite that was my portion over two years ago.  After you  wonder why you state as long as you did, it will occur to you that you were being prepared , albeit through a most vulgar litmus , to celebrate , proclaim and defend the true Gospel in a truly Reformed hearth


......Like this one, for instance! When you feel ready for Biblical, Confessional and legitimately Reformation worship.... Come see us...




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