Friday, March 23, 2012

Deuteronomy 8:15 is indeed for real!!!

Nashua Presbyterian Church (OPC) ,amidst the backdrop of beautiful Pennsylvania foothills, has become, by God's 'mere and arbitrary Grace', my refuge from the dregs of a society seemingly cascading uncontrollably into Socialism.

Who was thy guide in that great and terrible wilderness (wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions and drought, where was no water, who brought forth water for thee out of the rock of flint:

Deuteronomy 8:15                                                             

By the grace and goodness of God, I was led out of the wilderness of revisionism and epistemological gymnastics into full communion with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. It was on the campus of Westminster College in New Wilmington,Pa that I encountered the mortal vessel that would prove catalytical in my sojourn toward the empowerment and normalcy I now enjoy.  Deuteronomy 8:15 is indeed for real!!!!
For years I’ve been a patron of the New Wilmington Missionary Conference. I always was met by an aura of traditional values and commitment to Christ and His Kingdom while there; as the liturgical  and social tones in  no way reflect the apostasy of its parent denomination. In spite of this, the attendance is nowhere near what it was several years ago; which sadly and accurately reflects the flight of those of true Reformed thinking from the once hale and mighty denomination. Yet, there are those who’ve officially severed ties with Louisville that continue to show support for the annual conference and solidarity with those who remain and do their best to defend the faith in the PCUSA. That is to say, those who have yet to cultivate the resolve to make a clean break out of fear of Louisville’s corporate backlash (property seizures and so forth). To this end, I will even continue to visit the conference.
Anyway, during the evening gathering under the amphitheater, I felt thirsty and wanted some water. While making my way to the gymnasium door for the water fountain, I encountered a man about 6’5 having a rather spirited Biblical debate. Unable to restrain my curiosity, I drew closer to become a spectator. As it turns out, his “opponent” was a Quaker; which understandably sent my interest into maximum overdrive! Think about it, here I was witnessing an exchange between the Presbyterian and Quaker traditions  in the very commonwealth noted for the chasm between the two …..

Think about it, here I was witnessing an exchange between the Presbyterian and Quaker traditions in the very commonwealth noted for the chasm between the two which, at least on the partisan front, led the Rev John Elder to form the Paxton Boys centuries earlier! For those who self-actualize history...Need I say more?.........

As the cadence of the debate wound around, the Presbyterian named Michael introduces himself to me (as did the Quaker). When I knew anything, the ills of Protestantism in the mainline were being litanized by all three of us. It was at that point that Mike proudly declares that he is not affiliated with the denomination with which either the college or the conference is affiliated. He boldly stated that, after reading his Bible, he confronted his former minister with questions regarding the inconsistencies with Scripture that have regrettably become pandemic in the PCUSA. Upon being met with the assertion that the Spirit of God and His Purposes are no less discernible therein than in any other tradition, Mike thanked God for the resolve to immediately enjoin that church’s session to take his name of the roll.
He then tells me of Nashua (pictured above) ; which is part of the OPC and invited me to visit. The better part of a year rolled by before I did; during which I agonized over the incessant barrage of heterodoxy and parochial swill that continued to ooze from Louisville ( the headquarters of the PCUSA). Admittedly, by this time, it had been years since I actually looked forward to going to church. It seemed that over the course of these years the general climate in my former congregation became more brazenly intolerant of traditional apologetics and was endeavoring to completely supplant them with this no-fault morality which enjoys validation only in cliquish discourse.
I’m digressing to make a point. Bear with me, will ya?
In said interim, I got a phone call from my cousin Rick who lives in Penn Hills. He’s asking me to explain the craziness and mayhem among the Presbyterians in his town. Mind you, this was a rhetorical question. Rick was born in North Carolina,  is a veteran state trooper who’s lived in Pennsylvania since his college years and  knew full well what was going on. His point was that as long as I remained in that denomination it would be looked upon as a de facto endorsement of their official policies, good, bad or indifferent. He was right!!!
To top it off:

Long have I ruefully submitted that my most famous Presbyterian relative, President Benjamin Harrison, numbered among the harbingers of theological modernism. Yet,I can attest that he would vehemently oppose the predilections of my former denomination. In addition, the church in Indianapolis where he served as en elder has reopened as a PCA congregation.

I came to see these as fruits of election. That is, signs from above that the time had come for me to move on. So, feeling led to take Mike up on his invitation to engage liturgy in a climate serious about serving Christ, I went.
…..I’ll talk more later.

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