Friday, December 27, 2013

Reflections on the Christian worldview and education that reflects it

After a hiatus, I returned the Grand Canyon University to finish my history degree. I've finished my first course with an A- in my Christian Worldview class. The instructor was Rev. Brett Berger, former interim senior pastor of the First Baptist Church in Glendale Arizona. I enjoyed his teaching style and the culture of interaction engendered by it. I thank God for being able to go back to Grand Canyon University!!! As public institutions of learning in this country has seemingly slipped irretrievably into the  Guevarist abyss, I'd shutter to consider alternatives  to Christian education at this point; barring some sweeping epiphany and a violent usurpation of the reins of power and influence from the God hating promulgators of crass revisionism in the academic world!
But I digress.......
Going to that class simply reaffirmed for me how pervasive our worldviews are and how they impact virtually every facet of our daily living. For the elect the stakes are high; as the voice of the godless left seems to grow louder by the minute. Grand Canyon University is a wonderful educational environment for those not inclined to be enmeshed in the vulgar moral relativism the media that these so-called national leaders and educators try to pass off as that which reflects the values of the majority of our nation.
For my readers who are contemplating earning or finishing their degree, I would strongly recommend Grand Canyon University. It is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention which, while not solidly Calvinistic, offers a strong undercurrent from which a Calvinist  can draw great perspective and solid academic interaction. Now if you'll recall, I did an article several months back concerning the doctrinal polarization of the SBC. To be frank, Grand Canyon University reflects that polarization to a measure.
To that end, I openly charge Grand Canyon University to use its vast influence and prestige to be a rudder for the larger denomination. I have already engaged several faculty, staff and students to more unflinchingly review the classical doctrine of the Baptist faith. I have challenged several of them to review the sermons and teachings of Baptist divines like Rev. Roger Williams, john Gill or Benjamin Keach..If the leadership in the Southern Baptist convention is as concerned as they claim to be about what has polarized the denomination against itself, it need look no further than their own confessions and original Biblically responsible expositors  for remedy!
 This the kind of interaction the Bible calls for, now isn't it? This is what I pledge to share with members of both  faculty and staff of Grand Canyon University for as long as I'm a student there. This kind of discourse is the only prophylactic that guarantees some semblance of protection from the wolves in sheep's clothing who masquerade around God's garden of the church on earth looking to inflict damage or wreak havoc anytime they are afforded the opportunity.  There is no reason for the Southern Baptist Convention, or any evangelical Protestant body politic for that matter, to be  divided against itself, with Calvinists in the one camp and Arminians in the other.
 The other extraordinary benefit is that exchanges such as  these equip us when we go out into the career world and marketplace.  The recent ordeal  of  Phil  Robertson from "Duck Dynasty" underscores the visceral intolerance for traditional Christian values demonstrated by the so-called tolerant liberal front!  To exacerbate matters, this poor guy was actually compared  to the bus driver that called the police on Rosa Parks! I've heard much in the vein of the disingenuous from liberals -but  this latest statement from Mr." I am somebody" takes the cake!!! Mrs. Parks is quite likely rolling over in her grave in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Detroit; as the comparison was a most vulgar  insult to the steadiness ..... the certitude... ... the righteousness of her cause!!! 
                 I was personally appalled....being partly of African heritage, myself!!
Folks,  if it can happen to celebrities, it can doubtlessly happen to us.  And what better way to more effectively combat and deflect the outrageously disingenuous slings and arrows of the radical left then to meditate  on God's Word day and night and by sharpening each other through witness and exchange.
 In closing, I wish to extend my hope to all of my readers that your Christmas was a merry one. Also, I wish to extend a hearty congratulations to Jim and Carmen Fowler LaBerge; who presides over the Presbyterian Lay Committee. Last night, at the Baptist Hospital Medical Center in Nashville Tennessee, a beautiful new granddaughter, Evelyn Joy Lake, was brought into this world. May God  bless that family and continue to hold them and all His elect.
Happy New Year from                                          Glencairn                          Presbyterian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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